Un/heard journey begins

Hola, people! My name is Carlos Cordero. I am a composer and New Choral Music Advocate from Venezuela. However, my role here is different: I am the proud Founder and Artistic Director of Un/heard, a professional chamber choir in Austin, Texas advocating for our LGBTQ+ community.

After finishing Chorus America’s Choral Executive Leadership Academy, I decided to explore my advocacy journey beyond composing. Thanks to the support and endless ideas bouncing with Claudia Carroll, Tomás Espinoza, and Brandon Baker, we gathered friends and colleagues to put together our first concert, which you can stream here on our website!

Our Mission is to gather people through choral music to elevate the voices of the LGBTQ+ community.

My mission as a composer is to write music that allows us to explore how to be kinder with each other and ourselves and Un/heard helps me to reach out to my community through carefully planned events that connect people like-minded, looking to create a better, embracing place for our LGBTQ+ current and future generation

We can’t do this alone. More importantly, we do not want to do this alone. Our advocacy journey can only be complete with all of you and I hope we get to share some time through an email, a video, a concert, or a lunch.

Let’s connect and find ways to create a safe space for our LGBTQ+ community to thrive.


Stop Shooting - May 18th, 2024